Legitimate online work-from-home jobs like "Online paid surveys" is a good source of side-income for people who really want to earn something working from home. However there are many scam survey sites going around on web and one must thoroughly research before registering to any such survey site. Remember, any website asking dollars for registration are fake and scam. All legitimate survey panels are 'free' to join.
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A majority of legitimate survey panels(companies) are for Americans and their centers located in USA. However, there are also US survey panels which allow people to participate from all around the world. However here I'm interested to provide you the details of the survey panels in which Indians are eligible to participate. That's in my blog name, only for Indians. Let's start with the best one first.
Global Test Market: This is the most trusted and legitimate market research company and you will hardly find negative reviews about GTM. They are one of the oldest and leading research company. Registration is free and you need to confirm your account by clicking on the link sent to your email address as mentioned during registration. Once registered successfully, login with your credentials and complete all profile surveys.
What are profile surveys and will I get any points for filling out them?
Profile surveys is intended to know more about your basic profile, household, personal interests, employment status, type of job, travelling, interest in technology and automobile industry. Only those members are invited for a survey whose profile fits to the topic of survey to be taken. For example, if there is a survey about an IT company and survey is about to vote for the pro's and con's then only those will get invitations who are working in an IT company and not from other fields like medical, chemical or automobile industries. So the completed profile surveys is what increases the chances of getting more surveys. However, you need to be honest in your profile as it's very easy to be caught for giving wrong information and your account will be suspended without any notice. To conclude about profile surveys, "Fill out all profile surveys correctly and keep them updated" in order to receive more invitations.
There are no points awarded for filling out profile surveys.
Rewards and points system?
You will get all information about the pattern of points on their official website. However, in brief the minimum amount to cash out is 1000 points which is equivalent to $50. The points for a specific survey depends upon the length and urgency of survey, which is usually between 30 to 60. Also not everyone who is invited through email will be able to complete the survey. There will be few questionnaires in the beginning and depending on your answers, you can continue with the main survey or if you do not meet the criteria for that particular topic, you will be screened out. You will still be awarded 5 market points, which is cool enough. No other survey panel credits members after screening out.
Once you have reached the minimum threshold of 1000 points, you can redeem and the amount will be paid through "check" 4-6 weeks post redemption for US and 6-8 weeks for Non-US members. There is a good news, recently GTM have colloborated with indian e-commerce giants like flipkart, jabong, indiashopping and now the market points can be redeemed as "Gift vouchers". The minimum market points for vouchers is just 116 points which accounts to 300 rupees.
The next legitimate survey panel will be posted soon. Subscribe and keep yourself updated.
As promised, here I come with the second survey panel. The Panel Station - Online legitimate survey panel for Indians.
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